We here list the sixty-three essays, declarations, and speeches that are contained in the Reader. Each entry contains a link to the individual introduction for that text, and also to the Chinese original text where available.
1900-11 <> 1914-26 <> 1927-37 <> 1937-49 <> 1949-75 <> 1976-86 <> Late 1980s <> 1990s
Anonymous, On citizens. 1901. |
Liang Qichao, On rights consciousness. 1902. |
Anonymous, On rights. 1903. |
Zhinazi, The people’s legal right to freedom. 1903. |
Zou Rong, The revolutionary army. 1903. |
Liu Shipei, Textbook on ethics. 1905. |
Xu Yucheng, First speech of Miss Xu Yucheng from Jinkui to the women’s world. 1907. |
Ma Weilong, If the citizens want to rid themselves of the evils of autocracy, they must have political power. 1908. |
Zhang Shizhao, Self-awareness. 1914. |
Chen Duxiu, The French and modern civilization. 1915. |
-----, The constitution and confucianism. 1916. |
Li Dazhao, The constitution and freedom of thought, 1916 |
Gao Yihan, The state is not the final end of life. 1915. |
Hu Shi, Li Dazhao, Gao Yihan et al, Manifesto of the struggle for freedom. 1920. |
Tan Mingqian, The spirit of contemporary democracy. 1920. |
Gao Yihan, The question of people’s rights in the provincial constitutions. 1921. |
Liang Shuming, Eastern and western cultures and their philosophies. 1921. |
Sun Yatsen, The principle of people’s power. 1924. |
Anonymous, Foreword to the magazine Renquan. 1925. |
Zhou Fohai, The Basis and Particulars of the Principle of People’s Rights. 1928. |
Hu Shi, Human Rights and the Provisional Constitution. 1929. |
Luo Longji, On Human Rights. 1929. |
Peng Kang, The New Culture Movement and the Human Rights Movement. 1931. |
Wu Jingxiong, Two Excerpts. 1933 and 1936. |
Qiu Hanping, A Discussion of Constitutional Stipulations Concerning the People’s Rights. 1933. |
China League for the Protection of Civil Rights, Manifestos of the China League for the Protection of Civil Rights. 1932 and 1933. |
Hu Shi, The Protection of Civil Rights. 1933. |
Provincial Council of Shandong Province, The Human Rights Protection Regulations of Shandong Province. 1940. |
Mao Zedong, On Policy. 1940. |
Zhou Jingwen, The Program of the Human Rights Movement. 1941. |
Zhang Junmai (Carsun Chang), Human Rights Are the Basis of Constitutionalism. 1946. |
China Democratic League, Proclamation on the Current State of Political Affairs. 1947. |
P.C. Chang (Zhang Pengjun), Chinese Statements During Deliberations on the UDHR. 1948. |
Pu Zhongwen, He Shifen, and Feng Guojiang, Rightist Statements. 1957. |
Zuo Ai, A Discussion of “Human Dignity”. 1957. |
Yin Haiguang, Do You Want to Be a Human Being? 1958. |
Qian Si, A Criticism of the Views of Bourgeois International Law on the Question of Population. 1960. |
Mab Huang, An Initial Inquiry into the Contemporary Theory of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1976. |
Wei Jingsheng, Human Rights, Equality, and Democracy. 1979. |
China Human Rights League, A Chinese Declaration of Human Rights: Nineteen Points. 1978. |
Yu Fan, Problems in Chinese Society: Questions and Answers. 1979. |
Du Guo, A Rebuttal to the Critique of “Human Rights”. 1979. |
Xiao Weiyun, Luo Haocai, and Wu Xieying, How Marxism Views the Human Rights Question. 1979. |
Lan Ying, Is “Human Rights” Always a Bourgeois Slogan? A Discussion with Comrade Xiao Weiyun and Others. 1979. |
Hang Liwu, Human Relationships, People’s Rights, and Human Rights. 1981. |
Xu Bing, The Origin and Historical Development of Human Rights Theory. 1989. |
Fang Lizhi, Open Letter to Deng Xiaoping. 1989. |
Chinese Human Rights Committee, Declaration of Human Rights. May 1989. |
Shi Yun, Who Are the True Defenders of Human Rights? July 1989. |
Li Buyun, Human Rights: Three Existential Forms. 1991. |
Wei Jingsheng, Prison Letter. 1991. |
Information Office of the State Council, White Paper on Human Rights in China. 1991. |
Liberal Democratic Party of China, Statement on the Issue of Human Rights in China. 1991. |
Zhang Wenxian, Human Rights, Rights, and Collective Rights: An Answer to Comrade Lu Deshan. 1992. |
Xia Yong, Human Rights and Chinese Tradition. 1992. |
Liu Huaqiu, Vienna Conference Statement. 1993. |
Liu Nanlai, Developing Countries and Human Rights. 1994. |
Liu Junning, What Are Asian Values?. 1998. |
Ding Zilin, Lin Mu, Jing Qisheng, Jiang Peikun, and Wei Xiaotao., Declaration on Civil Rights and Freedoms. 1998. |
Hu Ping, Freedom of Speech Is the Foremost Human Right. 1998. |
Liu Qing, Moving in the Right Direction: China’s Irreversible Progress Toward Democracy and Human Rights. 1999. |
League for the Promotion of a National Human Rights Commission, Taiwan Urgently Needs a National Human Rights Commission. 2000. |
Chen Shuibian, Address by President Chen Shuibian on the Occasion of Establishing the President’s Advisory Group on Human Rights. 2000. |
Site established: 6/20/2001
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Copyright © 2001 by Stephen C. Angle and Marina Svensson, and M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Permission is hereby granted for all non-commercial uses of these materials.