Miscellaneous Notes

Notes on the Text

We have used a TwinBridge utility to place a space between each character. This enables word processors with line-wrap functions to handle the text properly. Not all word processors require spaces (Macintosh Worldscript-compliant applications like WordPerfect and Nisus do not, for instance), but we decided that adding the spaces made for optimal flexibility.

On the rare occasions that we have run into characters not in the Big-5 character set, we have inserted the closest character we could find (in either meaning or pronunciation, according to whim) between angled brackets. (See also specific notes on imperfections in the Zhu Xi texts.)

Notes on Searching

We recommend that you access the html versions of the texts for searching. You can use the "find" function built into most web browsers to search these texts on-line. If you search the "text" version of a given text for a compound or phrase, you will have to insert a space manually into the "find" field between each character. Note that this does not apply to searching the html versions.

By the end of Summer 1997, we hope to have implemented a much more powerful search engine, capable of boolean and adjacency searching across multiple documents. Stay tuned!

Notes on the Versions

Two versions of the texts are available: plain text and (slightly) html-enhanced. You should be able to use either to view the text on-line (if you don't know how to do this, help is available.), though the html version is likely to be better formatted by your browser. To down-load the texts: view the text version and simply save it (as text, not as source) onto your own disk.

		Date created: 9/5/95
Last modified: 6/7/97
Copyright © 1996, Stephen C. Angle
Questions? Contact: Stephen C. Angle